aviva siegel
"In brightest day, in blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power...Green Lantern's light!"
biography it was a bright and sunny day when aviva siegel was born. the first born daughter of rachel and peter siegel was the perfect child. she rarely made a peep, she slept through the night, and she was the perfect addition to their perfect little family. when rachel was pregnant again she had hoped for a boy to give them the perfect family truly but two years after their first daughter was born she gave birth to a second daughter, shoshana.

the siegel family were well known and liked within their community. peter was a respected lawyer and rachel took care of the house and made sure that their daughters had everything they could possibly need. she also tried to involve her daughters in activities she thought they would enjoy or didn't really enjoy but she thought was good for them anyway. aviva started playing the piano when she was five but she was lousy at it and would protest any time her mother attempted to sit her down for a lesson. she much preferred to sketch things or doodle on any sort of paper. her sister was the more musically inclined of the two and sang and played the piano like an angel. aviva was only slightly jealous.

aviva wasn't the brightest student, which didn't please her family much. she felt like she was letting them down but she had other talents. she was an excellent artist and she had an eye for fashion. even though her family would have loved to see her go off and become a lawyer, she opted to go to fashion school instead. they were supportive but told her that she had work hard and get her good grades before they would allow it. it was also during her senior year and through trips to the city that she met a man named greg who was in his 30's. she was enamored with him upon first meeting and she lied and said she was 18 when they met. a flirtation evolved quickly and before they met with a kiss she told him the truth, that she was less than a month shy of her birthday and he vanished out of sight.

she surprised her parents by getting good grades but aviva was well on her way to make a name for herself. after she graduated she got a job working as a fashion advisor at chanel. the siegel's were exceedingly proud as their youngest went off to study to be an opera star and their oldest worked hard. aviva was restless though and she wanted more. she had been a type a personality from the moment she was born and she never wanted to settle for anything, which may have been a skill learned from her parents. in 2013 she packed up and she moved to california for a warmer climate and a change of pace.

after years of hard work, aviva was able to launch cynella designs in 2015. her dream was always to have her own line of clothes and with cynella designs those dreams came true. she tries to be eco friendly in her designs and design for woman in a way that makes them feel comfortable. she's surprised she hasn't gotten bored with san francisco but with an office and a need for more employees she's thinking of setting up her roots in california even if it terrifies her.

⤑ full name aviva yael siegel ⤑ comicverse arisia rrab / green lantern ⤑ nicknames viv, vivie ⤑ date of birth october 2, 1987 (30) ⤑ status single ⤑ birthplace long island, ny ⤑ current residence san francisco, ca ⤑ occupation fashion designer | cynella designs ⤑ education parsons school for design | class of 2010
Arisia Rrab was originally from the planet Graxos IV. Her father, Fentara, served as the Green Lantern of Sector 2815. Eventually, Arisia assumed the role of Green Lantern of her sector as a teenager.

She was part of a large group of Green Lanterns sent to thwart Krona and Nekron. She was one of the Green Lanterns, along with Katma Tui, Salakk, Ch'p (who referred to her as the "big cutie") and Kilowog, who relocated to Earth after the battle against the Anti-Monitor.

Arisia had a huge crush on Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. After she was stationed on Earth with Jordan, she subconsciously used her power ring to age herself so that she and Jordan could be together. Though Hal Jordan did ultimately return Arisia's affections, it was some time before he came to terms with her as an adult.

Later, due to a disruption with the Central Battery on Oaβ€”from which the Green Lanterns drew their powerβ€”several Green Lanterns, including Arisia, lost their powers. However, Arisia decided to remain on Earth with her boyfriend, Hal Jordan. Their relationship became strained from adjusting to changes in the Corps and they eventually broke up.(source)

Point of Canon
Arisia is pulled from New Earth.
unlocked incentives none yet

locked incentives graxonite physiology
indomitable will
green lantern power battery
green lantern ring
memories of arisia rrab
memories of the green lanterns
comic parallels
a first name
fashion designer
lantern connections
had a crush on an older guy and tried to convince him that she was older than she was
quick facts areads her horoscope daily. she knows it's silly but she believes every word of it.

has a cat named cindy.

got into transcendental meditation a year ago and swears by it.

very close to her family and sees them as much as she can..

doesn't like staying in one place or being tied down very long. she's a life long renter for that reason.

grew up jewish and still practices.

personality aviva is the kind of person you want to have on your side. from the minute she was born she's been very caring and loving. she's been prone to daydreams and delusions of grandeur but she realizes when she needs to pull herself out of the clouds and back into the real world. her parent's imparted on her hardwork from an incredibly young age and she tried to live up to their incredibly high standard and often let them down. she has her own set of standards and morals that she tries to live by now and that is just as hard and she's been known to lash out when she's in her own head. she has a hard time staying in one place for too long because she doesn't like to 'settle down' even if that's what she wants more than anything else. not being in control scares her to the point where she'll throw herself into pure chaos to be able to direct everything back to calm. when she falls for something or someone she falls hard and fast and then bolts for fear of rejection. she's incredibly loyal to her family and believes they should be everything to a person. she's incredibly close to her younger sister and both of her parents, as well as her extended family. she calls herself spiritual, studies meditation, while still attending synagogue once a week. has a confident exterior and tries to portray a 'perfect life' while trying to find out who she is. went through a quarter-life crisis at 25 which resulted in her move to the west coast. still struggles with her self-worth though she doesn't outwardly show it. twice a year she'll do a juice cleanse to 'rid the toxins from her body'.